Sunday, February 1, 2009

More Katelyn-isms

Katelyn is (still) potty-training and every time I help her into her panties in the morning, I remind her:

"Now, what do you say when you feel the pee-pees or poo-poos coming?" (Welcome to the world of potty talk)
"Mommy, I need to go potty!" she gleefully says.
"That's right, honey. You just let Mommy know when you need to go."

A little bit later, she was playing outside and I called to her, "Do you need to go potty, Katelyn?"
"No, Mommy," she said, in a long-suffering tone, "I will know you!"


One thing I really love about Katelyn's favorite cartoon, "Wow, Wow Wubbzy", is that it gives her so many cute phrases to say that I wouldn't have thought to teach a 3-year old. She recently picked up a new one. Just as we were sitting down to eat (and at just about every meal since), she picked up her fork after the prayer, took a big bite and said, "Variety is the spice of life!"

1 comment:

Mommy of Three! said...

Ha ha ha, that is AWESOME!