Monday, August 18, 2008

I'm too little to get in the TV - and other wisdom from the mouths of children

I was sitting and watching TV with Katelyn one morning when Mickey Mouse came on the screen. Knowing we'd be visiting Disneyland soon, I asked her if she wanted to give Mickey a hug (meaning when we went to Dland). She replied with the title phrase - "Mommy, I'm too little to get in the TV!"


Katelyn has had a slight fear of elevators for the past few months - not exactly sure why! She's also been potty training. You may not think those two things have anything in common, but wait for it... One day I took her to go potty at a restaurant bathroom. As I sat her down on the potty, she looked around the stall and asked "Mommy, is this an elevator? Are we going up, or down?"


My best friend and I are discussing taking a road trip up to Oregon to visit her family there. We'll have to take our kids with us, but I was trying to figure a way to see if Jonathan could stay home - would make the long drive much easier! - and I was concerned about finding child care for him. My friend's daughter, who just turned 6, logically asked why David couldn't take care of Jonathan. When I explained that David would have to be working while we were gone, she thought about it for a minute, then said, "That's easy. Uncle David could just take him to work. He could work, work, work, until Jonathan got hungry. Then he could feed him, then work. Feed, work, feed, work. See! It's easy!"


Anonymous said...

Absolutely awesome!

Annette B said...

Very, feed, work, feed...but i think he forgot the poo thing!