Sunday, October 11, 2009

Growing Up

My kids are growing up so fast! Katelyn is four years old, smart as can be, and attending AWANA Cubbies. She loves to do "Bible time" with me at home and can quote a solid dozen verse from memory, as well as a handful of hymns we've been singing together. She is such a loving child, snuggling all the time, and telling us she loves us constantly. She can't wait to start school at home with me (since her friends Alysse and Jaden are already homeschooled, she thinks its the greatest!). We work on some "papers" almost every day to get her used to the routine of school and she thrives on it! She can write her name (albeit somewhat illegibly to people other than me!), knows the names and sounds of all the letters (upper and lowercase), and can trace letters almost perfectly. I'm so proud of her for all of this, but my continued prayer is less that she would be a smart child and more that she would love and serve Jesus with all her heart.

Jonathan is growing more assertive as he approaches his second birthday. He is still a cuddle bug and a very "easy" child in most senses. He eats whatever I put in front of him, sleeps like a dream, rarely cries and plays on his own for huge chunks of time. He has learned the word "no" however and is starting to use it much more frequently. His will is strong (we've had several stand offs that have lasted anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour and a half!), but his heart is tender (he always wants to hug and snuggle afterwards). I continue to pray for him to love the Lord at an early age so that he can serve Him all of his life.

My heart definitely has room to love more children if God (and David!) are willing. Whether that means more children of our own, adopted little ones, or just the continued opportunity to care for Noah and his future sibling, I'm grateful for the chance to use my gifts in loving and caring for children. What a blessing they are!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Cute Kid Stuff

We're watching Dumbo together this morning. It's probably one of Katelyn's favorite things to watch, but today she did something I've never seen her do before! She went to her room and got her stuffed baby Dumbo and brought him out to the living room. She has proceeded to act out all the scenes with her little Dumbo in arms! She rocks him as Jumbo does, makes him jump when he has hiccops, and helps him hammer in the posts of the circus tents. It's absolutely adorable!

And if that wasn't enough cuteness, Jonathan climbed up on the couch (where he looks absolutely adorable because he's so small) to watch as well. When Casey Jr. comes on screen, he starts huffing and puffing (almost like Lamaze) to make the chugging sound of the train, interspersed with gleeful "Choo-choo's!" I'm loving it!

Katelyn's Marriage Advice

Since I'm going to be in a good friend's wedding in a couple of weeks, I sat down with Katelyn today and asked her some stuff - hope you enjoy her answers!

Katelyn’s Marriage Advice ~ for Aunty Mary & Uncle Jeremy

1. What’s the most important thing for Aunty Mary and Uncle Jeremy once they get married? What Mary dresses in
2. Who should be in charge of their family? My mommy (additionally, I should be in charge of the world - so says my little one!)
3. How long should they stay together? Forever
4. Where should they live? In a house
5. How should they decorate their bedroom? With lamps and beds
6. What should Aunty Mary call Uncle Jeremy? Jeremy (very concrete thinking here)
7. What should Uncle Jeremy call Aunty Mary? Mary
8. What should they do when they get angry? Be mad, then play so they’re happy
9. What should they do when they get sad? Dance the sad swan song (she has a Swan Lake ballet DVD that has a sad swan dance)
10. What should they do when they are happy? Do a happy dance
11. How many kids should they have? 2
12. Should they have boys or girls or one of each? 1 of each
13. What should they name their daughter? Katelyn Rose(apparently this is the best name for just about every girl in the world!)
14. What should they name their son? Jaden
15. What do you want to say to Aunty Mary? "I love you, Aunty Mary. Then, can I hug her?"
16. What do you want to say to Uncle Jeremy? "I love you, too."