Friday, February 20, 2009

Katelynism and... random thought by Kelly

Katelyn and I took Jonathan to the doctor's office today because he was wheezing. Turns out he has asthmatic symptoms and an upper respiratory infection, needs antibiotics and breathing treatments for 7-10 days. Poor little guy. Katelyn has improved SO much in her visits to the doctor, though, from crying and screaming upon arrival in the parking lot to cheerfully skipping in and informing the nurses and doctor all about her brother's symptoms. She's like a little mom. The kids' pediatrician is the best (she was mine when I was a kid!) and is so sweet to Katelyn - even when we go just for Jonathan, she gives Katelyn a lollipop.

After we'd left and were driving home, Katelyn happily licking her candy, she asked for her water cup. She said, "Mommy, I'm so drinky! Drinky and lollipoppy!"


We had Bible study at our house tonight and about 20 minutes into the study, I needed to go to the bathroom. I've been drinking tons of water the past week since I've been sick, so potty trips are a frequent part of life. The reason I bring it up is this: I went 2 1/2 hours past that original need to go before I finally visited the restroom! I love, love, LOVE the fact that I can do that! Only moms will understand this thrilling response - I know it's been a while since pregnancy pee trips for me, but still. I'm THRILLED.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Snow Day!

Jonathan (above) with his friend, Noah, from church.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Not happy yet

"Guess who's coming over to see you today?" I asked.
"Who?" she asked, delightedly.
"Alysse and Jaden!"
"Alysse again and Jaden again?" she asked. (We'd been to their house this week already)
"Yes! Are you so happy?"
"Nope, not yet! Not until they get here."

Sunday, February 1, 2009

More Katelyn-isms

Katelyn is (still) potty-training and every time I help her into her panties in the morning, I remind her:

"Now, what do you say when you feel the pee-pees or poo-poos coming?" (Welcome to the world of potty talk)
"Mommy, I need to go potty!" she gleefully says.
"That's right, honey. You just let Mommy know when you need to go."

A little bit later, she was playing outside and I called to her, "Do you need to go potty, Katelyn?"
"No, Mommy," she said, in a long-suffering tone, "I will know you!"


One thing I really love about Katelyn's favorite cartoon, "Wow, Wow Wubbzy", is that it gives her so many cute phrases to say that I wouldn't have thought to teach a 3-year old. She recently picked up a new one. Just as we were sitting down to eat (and at just about every meal since), she picked up her fork after the prayer, took a big bite and said, "Variety is the spice of life!"