Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What to get Daddy for Christmas

I was shopping with Katelyn today picking up a few last minute gifts for family. I hadn't even though of having Katelyn pick out something for her Daddy - I figured if she didn't think of it, why should I force her to? - and have him shop with her for something for me, but my sister asked me about that, so the idea was in my head. So I asked her what she thought Daddy might like for Christmas as a present. We were wandering down an aisle of knick-knacks and there was a cute one of a daddy/daughter, the pedestal reading "I'll always be Daddy's little girl". I told her maybe Daddy would like that. She firmly said, "No, he wouldn't like that. He wants... a piggy bank! This one!" And she proceeded to pick up a ceramic pink piggy. The people walking the aisle with us chuckled as I explained that Daddy would probably like something else. She asked, "Why? Doesn't he like my piggy bank?" "Well, sure, honey, Daddy loves your piggy bank, but maybe he'd like something different." She puzzled over that for a few minutes, then left the topic with "Okay, but I still think he'd like the pink one."

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