Friday, September 12, 2008

Favorites at 3

So (stealing the idea from a friend's blog), I sat down with Katelyn today and asked her about her favorite things now that she's 3 years old. Here are her answers:

Color - white
Toy - Tambourine (she doesn't even own one... though there's one at Mooma's house)
Thing to eat - bananas (what she was eating when I asked her)
Place to go - Disneyland (though she first said "Carls' Jr for chicken stars" and "Old MacDonald's for chicken nuggets, before I narrowed it down to NOT a restaurant)
Book - Elmo Brushes His Teeth
Ice cream - vanilla
Song - I may never march in the infantry
Bible Story - Cinderella (it's in Leviticus... you know...) and Noah's Big Boat
Dinner that Mommy makes - Chicken and rice

She also wanted me to write down another of her favorites: tools and fixing things!


Keri said...

I'm glad you did this...I just love her so much! :)

Sarah Simpson said...

Hi Kelly,
I found your blog...hope you don't mind if I stop by and say hello every now and then!

John and Mis said...

I love it "chicken nuggets from old mcdonald's" that is just so cute! I love the funny things that kids say. It sounds like she is really talking well now. Drew has started to move away from using signs and saying the word instead, but sometimes he will use the sign with the word. Hope all is well.

Melissa Cordrey