Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Incredibly smart, or incredibly stupid

One + Two = See Above Title

One: I'm very tired. Jonathan has gotten in the habit of dropping his pacifier 2-5 times a night and crying loudly for us to replace it for him. In addition to these wakings, my back still doesn't let me sleep in one position for very long, so I constantly rotate back and forth like a rotisserie chicken throughout the night (*ding!* That side is done! Now roll!). At least the late pregnancy bathroom breaks throughout the night have ceased! It's amazing how I can go 8+ hours without peeing now... (I'm still close enough to the experience to be astounded by this).

Two: I love to read. My parents instilled in me a great love of reading from my early childhood. Apparently my sister taught me to read when I was 3 years old. She came home from kindergarten every day and spent the afternoon teaching me what she'd learned (I have to take my parents word on this evidence of my early genius since said genius does not extend to my ability to remember things.). Since then I have spent countless hours reading - historical fiction, devotionals, non-fiction, foodie books, romances, mysteries, law novels, fantasies, etc.

One of the side effects of all this reading is that I have come down with CPD syndrome. For those of you unfamiliar with this term, let me break it down for you. Half the world's readers have Can't Put it Down syndrome*. This terrible disease compels the reader to complete an entire book without putting it down regardless of circumstances around him or her. None of the prissy "I'll just read til the end of the chapter" stuff - this is hard core, can't stop reading until the final page. It's incredibly difficult to live with.

Here's the dilemma: "they" say it's important to instill a lifelong love of reading into your children by reading to them at least 20 minutes a day. My parents did this for me - in fact, they probably exceeded this amount 99% of the time. As a result, I have CPD, and though I'm ridiculously tired, I spent 3 hours last night finishing a book when I should have been sleeping. So, tell me, am I incredibly smart (i.e. "lifelong love of reading" wins out) or am I incredibly stupid!?

*This statement does not have any valid research to support it... I made it up... so sue me.


Annette B said...

All I can say is "you can sleep when you're dead" Read on! Although...I have gotten to the "age" I think low thyroid and menopause may have something to do with it...but I can't do the all night reading binges anymore...I miss them. love Aunt A

Keri said...

I love how you write Kelly! You made me giggle and reminded me a bit of Dave Barry's writing style. I love you!

PS I apparently am more often a prissy "I'll just read until the end of the chapter" readers, though I have been known to display acute cases of CPD syndrome. ;)

Anonymous said...

I think it's incredibly smart...I agree with Aunt A. Yep, Dave Barry, good call, Keri. Very amusing...keep um coming. :)

Becky said...

Hope you don't mind, but I found your blog through Keri's and found this post hilarious :)

It is unclear whether it is passed on genetically or environmentally, but in households where parents have CPD, children are likely to have or acquire CPD. My parents had it, I have it and Micah has it. While it is too early to tell I predict Paul will have it, too. LOL