Friday, September 12, 2008

Favorites at 3

So (stealing the idea from a friend's blog), I sat down with Katelyn today and asked her about her favorite things now that she's 3 years old. Here are her answers:

Color - white
Toy - Tambourine (she doesn't even own one... though there's one at Mooma's house)
Thing to eat - bananas (what she was eating when I asked her)
Place to go - Disneyland (though she first said "Carls' Jr for chicken stars" and "Old MacDonald's for chicken nuggets, before I narrowed it down to NOT a restaurant)
Book - Elmo Brushes His Teeth
Ice cream - vanilla
Song - I may never march in the infantry
Bible Story - Cinderella (it's in Leviticus... you know...) and Noah's Big Boat
Dinner that Mommy makes - Chicken and rice

She also wanted me to write down another of her favorites: tools and fixing things!